


Turtle Back Zoo

Turtle Back Zoo is a facility of the Essex County Parks Department. The zoo is funded by the County of Essex as a service to the residents of the County and the surrounding areas. The Zoological Society of NJ, Inc. is the fundraising branch of Turtle Back Zoo. The Society is a not-for-profit organization that helps to raise funds for improvements to Turtle Back Zoo.

Dallas Zoo

The Dallas Zoo’s mission is Engaging People & Saving Wildlife.
This serves as our North Star – our guiding force and the source of our continual motivation to achieve our vision of Creating a Better World for Animals. By providing our guests with real-world opportunities to make memorable connections with wildlife and supplementing their experience with conservation messaging, the Dallas Zoo aims to inspire and empower visitors to take action on behalf of wildlife in Texas and around the world.


Your gift funds the fight against the illegal wildlife trade, puts veterans to work, and supports African communities.