
At VETPAW, it is our passion to protect wildlife in Africa. Poachers are a threat to wildlife because they illegally trade ivory and rhino horns for money. At VETPAW, we are a group of veterans that seek to make a difference by combating poaching in Africa. It is our goal to protect wildlife, and we have several approaches to reach our goal. Here are 3 ways we help this cause at VETPAW.

Train Local Rangers

As veterans, our knowledge, techniques, and expertise enhance the local forces and the positive impact they are making. Any donations we receive are directed towards training local park rangers at no cost to them; this way, they can take better actions. They will also be able to provide further assistance during their job.

At VETPAW, we have trained over 1,000 African rangers. Your donations help African Park Rangers support their communities and protect Africa’s most vulnerable species.

Surveillance and Protection

Our team of highly-trained veterans at VETPAW has surveilled 160,000 acres of land. We legally operate on the ground with law enforcement and local African park rangers. We do this so we can prevent poachers from attacking. With our presence, poachers are not able to target the animals as easily as if the area was entirely free for them.

Together we are protecting wildlife on the frontlines. Your support contributes to U.S. Veterans’ efforts to combat poaching and protecting endangered species, which helps African communities overall.

Education and Conservation

VETPAW is committed to educating local communities because it is through education that we are able to change how people think. We work to educate them on the importance of thriving wildlife. We are continually supporting the research and monitoring of wildlife and endangered species due to poaching.

The VETPAW Experience

If you would like to join the fight for wildlife conservation, you can receive VETPAW’s field mission updates. You can also participate in volunteer opportunities and our Rhino Conservation Experience. Remember that any way you can help supports our mission and passion for African Wildlife. Join U.S. veterans and help African communities thrive in this area.