
Wildlife poaching is a real ongoing situation, and anti-poaching nonprofit organizations are working hard every day to save these amazing animals from extinction. That’s VETPAW’s reason for existence. We’re based in South Africa, and since our organization started, we’ve been able to:

  • Train over 1,000 African rangers
  • Surveil 160,000 acres of land
  • Relocate multiple species including white rhinos, black rhinos, and elephants

While continuing with our mission, we plan to raise those numbers and keep training local park rangers to ensure these animals’ survival. If you want to become a part of this unique experience, there are plenty of ways on how you can help support this fantastic cause.

How Can You Make A Contribution?

VETPAW’s sustainability comes mostly from people’s donations. We’re a nonprofit organization, and every contribution we receive goes directly to funding our training programs towards park rangers. Your donation means everything to us and to the change we can keep making. Your support will:

  • Employ U.S. veterans in the fight against poaching.
  • Fight endangered species extinction. 
  • Help support African communities.

You can become an important member of this cause by donating directly on our website. No amount will be too small to help with the preservation of wildlife. Time and poachers’ constant harassment are our biggest concerns. The sooner we receive donations, the more equipment and scope we get to train local park rangers at a fast pace. Poachers besiege rhinos and elephants non-stop; therefore, your prompt donations will help us fulfill our mission and keep these hunters away.

You can make your donation by:

  • Sending a check at our New York VETPAW office at 41 Madison Ave. Suite 3100
  • Via Network for Good
  • Via PayPal
  • Shopping in our online store

Also, you can make a significant contribution when buying at Amazon Smile, which donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to us. Likewise, you can help VETPAW when you buy and sell items on eBay at givingworks.ebay.com. Furthermore, when purchasing at iGive.com or Goodshop, you donate up to 20% of your purchases.

Your Donation Makes The Difference

As you can see, there are plenty of ways on how you can make an essential contribution to help in VETPAW’s missions of protecting endangered wildlife. With your donation, we can train local rangers, provide surveillance and protection on the ground, and, most importantly, spread education and the importance of wildlife conservation.