Don’t Miss Ryan Tate on NPR’s “Talking Animals”!

Don't miss VETPAW President Ryan Tate on NPR’s "Talking Animals" this Wednesday, 11/26 at 9:10am. Go to the Talking Animals website to listen live. If you're in the Tampa area, tune in to WMNF, 88.5 FM. We will also post a link later to the interview, so please check...

Support VETPAW when shopping for the holidays on AmazonSmile!

VETPAW is proud to announce we have partnered with AmazonSmile to receive donations when customers make purchases at Amazon.com. As a customer, you simply select VETPAW as your charitable organization of choice, and for eligible purchases, we will receive a donation...

Team Red, White & Blue’s Unsung Heroes

Another great article from Task & Purpose! Team RWB NYC is a unique veterans org that VETPAW President @ryan_c_tate is proud to be a part of. http://ow.ly/DWTYW This "Never Give Up" attitude is what makes our U.S. Veterans so special.

Ryan Tate Featured in Task & Purpose magazine

VETPAW President Ryan Tate is featured in  Task & Purpose! In "JOB ENVY: The Marine Veteran Who Now Fights Wildlife Terrorism," Ryan talks about his military experience, his passion for wildlife, and his commitment to defeating poaching. He also offers advice...

Two question, with only one right answer

This thought-provoking article asks two simple but essential questions: "Will we say NO to the unsustainable commercial exploitation of wildlife? Will we be able to protect the many wild species and the ecosystems they support for this and future generations?" We...