
With time there has been a growing awareness of wildlife being at the brink of extinction. What many people don’t know is that there are nonprofit organizations in charge of turning this around.

Poaching has been a reality for over a century, and these organizations formed by veterans are implementing front-line field programs, mostly in Africa. Such is the case of VETPAW.

At VETPAW, we’re a team of committed members engaging every day to ensure the survival of the white rhino, the black rhino, and the elephant.

VETPAW’s Involvement In Wildlife

Our mission every day we’re on the ground goes beyond fighting for the conservation of these wonderful creatures. We get involved with the community itself, educating them day by day on the long-term benefits of a prosperous wildlife community. Education is the key to make significant changes, and the African community needs to be aware of the importance of the survival of these animals.

Our commitment at VETPAW relies on how much we can accomplish while being on this duty we call passion. Our further approach in this lifework consist of:

Surveillance and Protection

Besides the long-term changes we aim to make while educating the African community, we take daily actions. We keep poachers under surveillance and provide on-field protection to wildlife, along with local park rangers.

Training Local Rangers 

Our mission wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t involve locals in this anti-poaching organization. We train local park rangers for them to experience first hand the cruelty their wildlife suffers under the menace of poaching. As compromised veterans with this cause, we take our knowledge and pass it along to rangers for them to be professionally prepared with the best techniques available. 

Your Donation Is Our Biggest Contribution

Thanks to donations, we’re able to continue our commitment to wildlife and the African community. They make it possible for us to keep training local park rangers and provide them with the best tools, knowledge, and equipment. All these help them be on the front lines when it comes to ensuring the protection of wildlife.

Veterans at VETPAW grant all their years of experience to this unique, life-changing cause.