
Our job is the whole meaning of passion. Every day we commit to our duty, which is protecting wildlife.

At VETPAW, we are a veterans non-profit wilderness organization in Africa, who strives to preserve and train park rangers to combat poaching on the ground in Africa.

Founded in 2013, VETPAW currently employs a dozen post-9/11 veterans and is a diverse group of former soldiers. Our team’s past experiences make them have the needed skills to teach park rangers how to safely help and protect these amazing wildlife creatures and incredible community.


Challenging But Yet Enjoyable

It is heartbreaking to us when we experience the death of these wildlife animals. The hunting of elephants has been illegal for over forty years in Kenya, and still, poaching has not reduced. Our work is challenging, but if we don’t wake up every day to face this reality, then this wildlife would probably be extinguished by now.

Protecting endangered wildlife is a profoundly charged topic. Every day, we encounter challenging situations, but since we truly stand to our morals on helping this community and aid these innocent animals, we commit to what we do and enjoy it in the process. 

Our Contribution To Wildlife

There are plenty of actions that can be taken to support our cause. At VETPAW, we contribute by training local rangers, offering surveillance and protection, and educating. 

Train Local Rangers

The knowledge we possess as veterans empower local forces to enhance the positive impact they are already achieving. The donations we receive go directly toward training local park rangers free of charge, to take better actions, and provide better assistance while doing the job.

Surveillance and Protection

Our highly trained team of veterans operate on the field, legally, with local African park rangers and law enforcement to prevent poachers from attacking.

Education and Conservation

It is through education that we manage to change people’s way of thinking.

At VETPAW, we contribute each day to teach the community the importance of preservation of this wildlife. On the reserves, we continually protect and support in the monitoring and research of wildlife and endangered species.